Last year I wasn’t near my kids or their families, so my
sister had a new idea – she suggested we tour Carrie Furnace in Homestead to
celebrate Grandma’s birthday. Although it may sound unusual; it really
isn’t. My grandma operated a crane for
the Carnegie Steel Company at the Duquesne Works during World War II. Since the steel mills in Duquesne have long
since been discarded, we toured Carrie Furnace led by volunteers from the
Rivers of Steel National Heritage Area.
Our objective was to find out more about Grandma’s service in the mill.

Which bring us back to Carrie. The furnaces were named for
women due to the temperamental nature of the fires burning within them. Gee, not so different than my Carrie, her
sisters, sister-in-laws or me. We have minds of our own
coupled with a passion burning within us to set the world on fire. We ignite our plans to alter the universe by doing
what my grandma taught us -- we serve one another.
We listen, we support, we lend a helping hand. We carry each others load, one grocery bag at
a time.